Thursday, July 5, 2012

Video: Obama, Romney celebrate holiday

>>> and what would july 4th be without some presidential politics . both mitt romney and president obama marked the holiday today. white house correspondent kristen welker joins us from the white house . good evening, kristen .

>> reporter: good evening to you, kate. president obama is hosting military members and their families at the white house this evening. mitt romney marked the day in new hampshire where he is also vacationing. like independence day in past election years, both candidates kept an eye trained on november.

>> for just as we remain a nation of laws, we have to remain a nation of immigrants.

>> reporter: it didn't take long for patriotism to give way to politics during this morning's naturalization ceremony.

>> i here by declare on oath.

>> reporter: 25 active members of the military were sworn in as u.s. citizens .

>> congratulations.

>> reporter: the president took full advantage of his bully pulpit , touting his recent decision to block the deportation of some illegal immigrants and calling for even broader measures.

>> that's why we still need a dream act , why america's success demands comprehensive immigration reform .

>> reporter: as the president was reaching beyond the white house to court latino voters.

>> good to see you. thank you. happy 4th to you.

>> reporter: mitt romney was showing a flag at a parade in the swing state of new hampshire. but it was last week's supreme court ruling on health care that took center stage . at issue, the ongoing political debate about whether requiring americans to pay a fee if they don't buy health insurance is a tax or a penalty. today romney contradicted his top campaign adviser eric fernstrom and called it a tax.

>> supreme court is the final word, right? they said it was a tax. so it's a tax, of course.

>> reporter: earlier this week he called it and a similar fee in massachusetts health care reform a penalty.

>> the governor believes what we put in place in massachusetts was a penalty, and he disagrees with the court's ruling that the mandate was a tax.

>> reporter: the obama campaign accused romney of contradicting his own campaign and himself.

>> we believe in america.

>> reporter: but romney aides say the two views of consistent. the war of words comes as the president prepares for a bus tour a in ohio and pennsylvania where he'll have company, bobby jindal , vp picks will shadow the president. the trip could be shadowed by the jobs report. the last report showed the unemployment ticked up. the president really can't afford that trend to continue with the election just four months away. kate.

>> kristen welker watching it all at the white house tonight. thank you.


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